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Which programming language should you learn in 2021

3 min readJun 9, 2021


So you just starting out and you are learning how to program but you’re not sure where to start. You don’t know which language/technology to pick and you’re afraid of making the wrong choice by picking a language that is not right for you.

In this article, I will be covering how to decide which language or technology you should learn as a developer. Hold on tho ✋, this may be not what some people might want to hear but, I will not be pointing to a specific language that you should learn. Rather, I will be giving you things you can do to make the right decision. This is because everyone has different interests and different technologies solve problems differently.

First thing first, what you need to realize is that you can never make the wrong choice learning a technology. Sure, it may not be most applicable immediately, but at the end of the day, it's an extra skill and knowledge you would gain if you had learnt it.

The reason for learning a new technology is always different. If you want to learn new technology in order to get a job, then it is important you make a choice that is right for you. But if you just want to broaden your skills, you shouldn’t worry too much about which and which not to pick.

I am learning to get a job 📝 …

Photo by Cytonn Photography on Unsplash

This is probably the main reason why a lot of people make this choice. Whether you are looking for your first job or a better one than your current one, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with your choice. You are making a decision that will make you more valuable. If that is the case, here’s what I would do.

Decide what path 🛣️

There is a lot of paths to follow in the software engineering realm and as someone who is starting out or is looking for a change, you should have a clear idea about what you want to become. Whether that is front-end developer, backend or full-stack, pick a path.

What next?

Now that you are sure about what you want to become, ask yourself the following questions and by the first two questions, you should have a more narrowed path.

  • What company/companies do I want o work in?
  • What company/companies do I want o work in?
  • How much income do I want to earn?

Let’s say you have your answers, you want to work in companies X, Y, and Z. Then research what technologies are used in each of the companies. Sometimes they may be using the same technologies and at other times they may be using different ones.

But by looking into these companies, you will find one or more technologies that you could learn. If by this point you don’t have any uncertainties, dive right into any that’s appealing to you 🏊. But let’s say you’re still not sure because you don’t know have if you have the right amount of time. Well, look into what the learning curve is like for these technologies. Obviously, some are more challenging than others and it takes longer to learn them.

Hopefully, by asking yourself these questions and answering them, you have a clearer idea of what you want to do.


So, well done. You have made up your mind. You now know what you want to do. Next, come up with a good plan and just start learning. If you have not yet found exactly what you want to do, I hope this article gave at least a clearer vision.

One important factor you should keep in mind is no matter how appealing the salary might be, or whether there’s is hype around the technology, if you know you won’t enjoy it, you will be better off looking into something different. Imagine having to use something you don’t enjoy on a daily basis. There’s no point.

I hope you found this article helpful 😊

